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About Us

Facing a different kind of world...

2020 was a year with one huge topic all over the world. A topic that led to many changes in people's lives. Borders closed, schools closed and went virtual, sports facilities closed, as did restaurants, cafés, museums, music events, theatres, cinemas......etc. The world went online..

Teachers had to get used to virtual classrooms. We saw many students having difficult times adjusting to this new virtual life. It was like living in a sci fi movie. Some got very lonely, while others found peace. Now in 2021 it seems a little better, but it is far from over....

Our Story

Meet The Team

We are teachers from 5 European schools who got together virtually, wanting to work on the same topics.

We want to arise awareness of both the difficulties our students have dealt with (deal with), but also find the things that make us stronger. Through creative thinking we want to put transnational cooperation and teamwork in front. Therefore we gathered a team of schools with different profiles from north to south, east to west, to support and help our students through these difficult times.

Covid-19 has been an eye opener in many ways and it has many consequences. Taking control and engaging with others has been very difficult in 2020(and 2021). Sports, cultural and creative sectors are bleeding. Public places closed down - restaurants, shops, cafés, theatres, cinemas, schools...Concerts and sports events got cancelled. For a long time, hyoung people could not take part in sports, meet friends in training, at cafés or in the cinema. A wide range of events have been postponed or cancelled....

During lock down of our schools, teaching became so much more than traditional teaching in a classroom. Quickly teachers faced a situation where online teaching became the new tool. Students faced many difficulties. We saw some students who blossomed, worked hard because they had no interruption, but we also saw students who became very secluded and faced a really har time, trying just to get through the day....

We need to handle these things. We must listen to our students - students must listen to each other and learn. If we will be in this position again, what methods have we learned to use, to support our students the best way we can. How can we better help students with anxiety or other diagnoses and disabilities, to express themselves and not to fell alone?


What impact will it have on a young person's everyday life now and in the future? How does it affect their mental health and wellbeing? What are the social costs? Have new forms of activity evolved from this vacuum? To fin out, we performed an informal interview among some students, and on the background of this, we realised how important it is for our young people to share their stories in order to discover and learn about each other's situation through different creative expressions. A story is not only told by the written word, but also by showing through eg. art, sports, music, performances and movies. 


An important objective for the European Commission to strive for, is to: "Enable young people to be the architects of their own lives, support their personal development and growth to autonomy, build their resilience and equip them with life skills to cope with a changing world."

With this in mind, we believe that the needs for this project is clear, because we as teachers are able to help our students blossom, both personally, socially and academically!

Our Stakeholders

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